Fruit is just ovaries and stamens, you know? |
What are we doing? Exploiting/celebrating the chemicals of romance by offering foods based on aphrodisiacs! Things that tingle, look like ovaries and testicles, warm your tongue, make you hunt around for a hook-up and generally make you re-think the equation food + sex = Spencer's gifts.
Here's the info, fools! It's free so be there.
Valen-tiny Idea Night: A Big Idea Night Production
FREE w/ advance RSVP at
All ages welcome!
21+ w/ID to drink
...Sat, Feb 12, 8:30-11:30 pm
What do you get when you cross the bacchanalian mayhem of a Big Idea Night with the awkward-but-compelling intimacy of a first date? Why, Valen-tiny Idea Night, of course! Hop into bed with RADAR Productions’ Michelle Tea and YBCA’s Director of Community Engagement Joël Tan as they team-curate a night of mingling, mating, and music—not necessarily in that order. Featuring…
• Lovers, those all-female synth-driven “entrancing spell-casters” from Portland (Boston Phoenix)
• Dorian Wood, composer and performer of “mercurial pop that demands and deserves attention” (WNYC Culture)
• DJ Primo Pitino, lovable overlord of Mission District nightlife (Oldies Night, 2 Men Will Move
• Experience a site-specific performance by local choreographic innovators Jess Curtis/Gravity!
• Folk troubadour Dave End and interdisciplinary artist Dax Tran-Caffee take over YBCA’s elevators for a series of mobile installations!
• VivvyAnne ForeverMORE! and Mona G. Hawd pull together the opposing themes of artifice and authenticity in an intimate close up lipsynch, "Elevator Love"
• Hamilton Morris, “psychedelic explorer [and] maestro of all things mind-altering,” will regale the throngs with a presentation on the chemistry and pharmacology of aphrodisiacs!
Art and activities!
• Play Infatuated, an interactive cell phone game of amour played in and around YBCA. You can meet up, make out, break up, and make up all in one night, but only if you can solve the mysteries of love in the 21st century. Infatuated is playable by both couples and singles, and is inclusive to all orientations. Designed by the wily geniuses at Situate.
• Get your grub on with the San Francisco Food Adventure Club! SFFAC members will be bringing a smorgasbord of (un)earthly aphrodisiacal delights to temp or taunt your tastebuds and set your pheromones aflame!
• Mug for the camera! Photographer and Editor-in-Chief of Original Plumbing Amos Mac will be the evening’s resident shutterbug. Check out your pics on YBCA’s Facebook page following the event!
And of course…
• Check out our three new gallery exhibits upstairs! The work of Jennie C. Jones, Lauren Dicioccio, and Middle Eastern video art compiled by ASPECT will be on view until late!
Valen-tiny Idea Night – 701 Mission St., San Francisco, CA 94103 – Yerba Buena Center for the Arts Grand Lobby/Upstairs Galleries
Public Info:
415-978-2787 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 415-978-2787 end_of_the_skype_highlighting, or
Admission: FREE w/ RSVP
Next, Food Adventure Club for Pendleton for Opening Ceremony!